There’s an easier way to share the mission + message on your heart & turn it into a thriving healing business so you can live your purpose full-time.




For healing service providers who are ready to quit their day job & live their purpose full-time - without needing to get social media famous, come off as “sales-y,” or pretend to be *perfect.*


“I’m so tired of giving my time & energy to a job that feels draining, pointless + unfulfilling.”

“I REALLY want to be working for myself & living my purpose full-time… and experience all the freedom + fulfillment that comes along with that.”

“I know I have so much to offer to the world, but when it comes to turning this into an actual business… I just don’t know what will actually work or where to focus my efforts.”

“I’ve tried putting myself out there & sharing about my services, but it hasn’t really worked & now I’m facing a lot of self-doubt + feeling discouraged.”

“I really just want to figure out how to get my first clients. It feels overwhelming & intimidating and I’m coming to realize that I really need guidance and support.”



If you’ve been at this spiritual business thing for any length of time, you’ve already discovered that the classic money manifestation teachings are…

  • MISSING SOME REALLY KEY POINTS (You KNOW this takes more practical, grounded business skills than just sitting around & meditating or visualizing.)

  • CAUSING MISUNDERSTANDING & HARM (You’ve SEEN that it’s not possible to be perfectly healed + high vibe all the time, even as a leader.)

  • CREATING PARANOIA & DISEMPOWERMENT (You’re afraid to think negative thoughts & have doubts about your success… because what if that manifests?! And that creates SO much pressure to *think positively, or else.*)

I have amazing news for you.

Nothing is wrong with you. Nothing is wrong with your idea nor your creativity nor the message + mission on your heart. 

You really CAN build a business where you're living your true purpose, sharing your inherent gifts & changing people's lives.

(And you DON’T need to go viral nor have a big following in order to do this!)

The classic manifestation teachings have just steered you wrong… and you need to learn a more grounded, practical, action-oriented approach to manifestation in order for this to work.

All of those online coaches & influencers that you see making it big understand human psychology and are applying these practical, timeless business skills to create their success.

Every single one of them. No exceptions. No matter how spiritual they are. They’re taking 3D action & applying branding, marketing & sales techniques in order to create their dreams on the physical plane.

Once you see it, you can't unsee it... and the world of conscious entrepreneurship finally starts to make sense.

Once you learn + apply these skills, you’ll know how to successfully sell ANYTHING of value. Business becomes a straightforward formula, and it then becomes obvious how to spot what’s not working.

But without learning these skill & clearing up the distortions you were taught about manifestation, your business may continue floundering, leaving you confused about what went wrong...

and worried that you'll never live up to your full potential.

Book a free 60 minute clarity call to see if we’re a good fit. 👇

Imagine you finally figure this out &…

  • In just 4 months, you have a thriving healing/coaching/education business that you feel excited to show up for every day.

  • You get to spend your days sharing yourself + your truth with the world and actually get paid to make a positive impact.

  • You no longer have to give your time to jobs that feel draining, soul-sucking, nor toxic to your health.

  • You get to make a living helping people change their lives for the better… watching them grow, change & create MAGIC in their lives - all alongside your care.

  • You feel clear on the tasks you need to do each day in order to attract clients & make a living through authentic, wholesome practices that serve the greater good. No more unethical sales tactics, gimmicky manifestation hacks, never-ending to-do lists & taking shots in the dark - everything is now straightforward & simplified.

  • You’ve come to find deep balance in your life, & you feel completely safe to take time off for fun, adventure, time with loved ones & self-care. You get to work less & live more deeply every day.

  • You get paid $5K-$10K+ per month by dream clients who are super grateful to pay you for your life-changing services.

  • You get to simply be yourself every minute of every day… and you now know how to apply practical business skills in such a way that the more you show up authentically, the more your business grows & thrives.


Learning the practical, grounded side of business & manifestation isn’t just another thing to learn in your personal development.

It is THE thing that’ll help you finally generate real abundance + fulfillment in your life.


In this program, we’ll work with both your conscious AND subconscious mind to help you meet the parts of yourself keeping you stuck & hiding, and inspire them into action.

You’ll be guided through the only 6 steps you need to take into order to manifest real results in your business & learn allll the foundational business skills you’ll ever need

so you can build a business that’s easy to show up for, lights you up & aligns with who you are.

Client Experiences

abundance mindset

life purpose

positive impact

be yourself

wholesome sales

authentic human connection

ease & joy

creative expression

abundance mindset ✦ life purpose ✦ positive impact ✦ be yourself ✦ wholesome sales ✦ authentic human connection ✦ ease & joy ✦ creative expression ✦

Go from confused & overwhelmed


to serve your dream clients & live your purpose!

Each step of this process is taught to you as an online course module with weekly video lessons, subconscious reprogramming audio tracks & homework… so you can study these foundational business manifestation teachings at your own pace & save our live 1:1 sessions for personalized coaching, reprogramming, brainstorming & feedback as you build the foundations for your business.

You’ll also have our unlimited support inbox to ask me questions as you go through all the course materials. I’ll help you understand the nuances of manifestation + business and how to actually apply them to your unique life circumstances!

During our time together, I’ll send you one video lesson + homework assignment per week as I guide you through the following steps:





  • Daily rituals for success

  • Abundance mindset

  • Subconscious reprogramming

  • Having integrity as a leader



  • Learn about yourself via the hero’s journey

  • Tell your personal brand story

  • Clarify your niche + your soulmate client

  • Create + price your core offer





  • Learn how to stand out from the crowd

  • How to be magnetic, attract aligned people & lean into your unique magic

  • Craft a stunning brand identity



  • Clearly communicate your value + build trust

  • Use your voice + speak your truth

  • Messaging that actually leads to clients





  • Curate a credible + magnetic social profile

  • Create your lead magnet + sales funnel

  • Craft a highly effective sales page

  • TEMPLATES: Client onboarding documents



  • Create content that serves, connects + sells

  • How to lead successful discovery calls

  • Heart-led sales conversations in DMs

  • TEMPLATE: Social media content planner

Have questions about the program? Ask me on our clarity call!

Click below to fill out the application for a free 60 minute video call & I’ll be in touch!

Plant the first seed towards starting your healing business here:

Client Love


♥ 4 months of 1:1 coaching, advising & business education

♥ Eight (8) one-on-one sessions with Indigo over video chat (90 minutes each, every other week, recorded for you to keep) that combine business advising + coaching to help you gain the clarity you need to move forward

Unlimited private support inbox with Indigo (24-48 hr response time Monday-Friday)

♥ 16 video lessons that guide you through the 6 Step Client Attraction Process - delivered weekly

♥ 1 course-long workbook PDF (here, we call it a “playbook” 😉) that’ll guide you through the program & help you craft your business foundations, incl. branding, marketing & sales

♥ 8 editable templates to help you set up your business professionally + streamline your processes

♥ 7 guided audio tracks (somatic meditations, visualizations & hypnoses) to help you integrate these teachings, rewire your subconscious mind for success & embody your next level in life ✨

♥ BONUS gifts, including step-by-step pocket guides that’ll help you run your business with ease

Lifetime access to all course material, including all future updates!


How It Works…

I’ll send you weekly video lessons teaching you everything you need to know in order to build the foundations for your business, on both an energetic AND a physical level - so you can utilize the power of energetic alignment AND practical business strategies, which is a combination that creates magic.

6 step process

We’ll have an ongoing private chat inbox where you’ll be able to send me unlimited text & voice messages and ask questions, request feedback on things you’re creating, contemplate the nuances of these teachings, & process anything that comes up in the day to day of building your healing business. I’m committed to responding to you within 24-48 hours Monday through Friday.

unlimited daily support

Every other week, we’ll meet for a 90 minute coaching session (via a live video call) where we can go deeper with this work together. For each call, you’ll be able to choose what you want to focus on or roll with the topic I suggest. I’ll guide you through a process to connect with the deeper emotions & fears that are subconsciously holding you back, so you can reconnect with your power, self-love & inspiration to take action in your business. And as needed, I’ll help you gain clarity with practical business stuff, too!

live 1:1 coaching calls

This program is entirely run & taught through a heart-led, service-driven lens on business. You’ll learn timeless, proven brand/marketing/sales strategies through a lens that deeply resonates with your compassionate values & empathetic soul - so that selling your services can go from feeling selfish to feeling like an embodied service to your mission… all expressed in a way that feels natural, abundant & sincere. And from there, showing up for your business will feel WAY easier.

heart-led approach to sales

You’ll have weekly homework that’ll help you create consistent momentum towards building your business foundations, and I’ll personally check in with you every week to see where you are in the process and help you stay on track.

accountability support

Most business coaching programs focus solely on business strategy + mindset and leave out the BODY - which is why so many people learn everything they need to know in a coaching program & then don’t see results. (I’ve been there!) We’ll work with your body - the missing link - to help you regulate your nervous system, move stuck emotions, reprogram your subconscious & help your body actually feel SAFE enough to step into your next level of success. Self-sabotage patterns can truly be healed so you can open to receiving more! 💛

energetic reprogramming

More Client Love

You’ll Leave This Program With…

be supported in setting up the core foundations for your business as you're led through a proven 6 step process

a clear, actionable plan

be supported through the internal emotional work (abundance mindset, self-care, self-belief, uncensorship, etc.) that's needed in order to stay committed to the entrepreneurship journey

more freedom & confidence

learn how to promote yourself & attract aligned clients in a way that feels service-driven, heart-led & sincere

magnetism to your dreams

be coached + guided through all the internal challenges that are inherent to the journey of entrepreneurship: confusion, inner conflict, indecisiveness, fear of being seen, imposter syndrome, procrastination, fear of selling, resistance to posting on social media, not charging your value, self- doubt, money blocks, etc. - and leave with a library of guided audio files to support you through healing + rewiring these mental programs long after the program ends

tools for reprogramming

get live support, feedback & coaching (from a 3x entrepreneur, business coach & professional brand designer) to help you get all your questions answered, understand the nuances of these teachings, and move through the mental/emotional/spiritual blocks that tend to arise during implementation  of these teachings

deeper understanding

have lifetime access to all video course lessons, templates, guided audio tracks, & PDF guides that’ll continue to support you as you grow your business

a library of resources

be lovingly held accountable to make the big moves in your business, face your fears & continue progressing forward so that you can reach the next level in your business by the end of this program!

the next level of your business

It’s time to build your dreams.

No more waiting. Life moves fast. You deserve to start now.


Students of Prosperous with a Purpose have been able to...

  • attract their first high-ticket dream clients ($1K-$6K)

  • make back their full investment in this program (and more!) within 3 months of working together

  • raise their prices 4x & experience their highest income month ever in their business ($2K-$8K)

  • have breakthroughs around their true purpose & how they want to help others

  • work less & progress their business more

  • believe in themselves more deeply & trust their process + intuition

  • create & sell their first online course via the inspiration we cultivated together

  • confront fears of being seen, show up more boldly as themselves on social media… and then effortlessly book more discovery calls as a direct result!

  • see, understand & communicate their value much more clearly

  • mold their business to better fit who they are & experience greater fulfillment

  • get their inspiration back to show up & share on social media

  • find the courage to release a client base that was no longer feeling aligned & refocus on who they really want to work with

  • firm up their boundaries & say no to clients who felt unsafe to work with

  • finally get out of loops of financial scarcity & create more security + stability in their lives

  • move from desperation → deep trust & lead with genuine focus on helping others

…and so much more!

Client Spotlight:



  • So much! This program is VERY hands on. I’m only taking on a few students at a time so that I can give you my undivided attention, really get to know you + your business, and support you in a very personalized way that meets your unique needs & circumstances.

    I’ll be available for you Monday through Friday via unlimited text / voice messaging support (response time: 24-48 hours) inside of a private inbox where it’s just you + me collaborating. You’ll be able to reach out to me with any clarifying question you have, things you want to process or contemplate, and requests for personalized feedback on anything you’re creating for your business.

    (FYI - I’m also a professional brand + web designer, so I can give you visual design tips + feedback as well! This tends to really come in handy for students as they build their foundations.)

    We’ll also meet every other week (2x/month, 8 calls total) for a live 90 minute coaching session (over video chat) where you’ll have my undivided attention, reflection & support.

    On these calls, I’ll guide you through a process to connect with the deeper emotions & fears that are subconsciously holding you back, so you can reconnect with your power, self-love & inspiration to take action in your business. And as needed, I’ll help you gain clarity with practical business stuff, too!

  • I’ve had students of Prosperous with a Purpose attract high-ticket dream clients ($1K-$6K) as early as Week 2!

    That said, I want to be real with you - there is no *quick fix* to business & it depends on your current starting point.

    Building a business takes time and you can produce much more fulfilling, sustainable results when you approach it with patience & a commitment to your long-term viison.

    If you’re seeking a quick fix, this program isn’t for you (& I lovingly advise you to be wary of ANY program selling a get-rich-quick fix. Those types of programs really steered me wrong early in my journey & delayed my success.)

    Yet if you’re ready to devote yourself to the long term investment & personal transformation that building a heart-led + authentic healing business requires & you're willing to trust the Divine timing of it all… welcome!

    You’re in the right place. 🤎

    This program will set you up in your business for years to come, giving you everything you need in order to build a thriving service-based business - with lifetime access to the materials so you can learn, integrate & implement these teachings on your own unique timeline.

  • This program is designed to be flexible so that you can fit it into your busy schedule. You’ll be able to go through the course lessons + homework on your own time and select coaching call times that work best for you.

    WEEKLY COMMITMENTS (3-5 hours/week):

    • 1 video course lesson - each about 1 hour long

    • weekly homework that takes 1-3 hours

    • 1 guided audio for subconscious reprogramming - about 45 mins long - listen to while you fall asleep (or first thing in the morning) at least 1x/week


    • Two 90 minute 1:1 coaching calls with Indigo over video chat

  • This is a 4 figure investment & the exact price depends on which package you choose & the payment plan you elect. Let's hop on a call to first talk about what you're looking for in a coach/program, and then if it feels like the right fit we can discuss the different options for working together.

  • This program is designed to help you progress your business forward via consistent, bite-sized pieces that are manageable to fit into your weekly schedule even if you’re still working a full-time job.

    I also have strong accountability systems in place to help you stay on track. Every Monday I’ll check in with you to see if you completed your goals for the previous week, and work with you to come up with a plan to get back on track if not.

    During our 1:1 live coaching calls (every other week), as needed, I can also help you explore what’s stopping you from staying on track & address the subconscious beliefs or fears that may be playing out - so you can hold them with Love, let them be heard, and learn how to work with them so that they’re no longer stopping you from taking action.

    All that said - building the foundations for your business takes time and dedication, and you’re welcome to go at whatever pace is best for you. You’ll have lifetime access to all of the course materials, so you’ll be able to continue implementing the teachings long after our 4 months together.

  • While this program is geared towards coaches, healers & educators, the information, methods & my expertise apply to anyone who has an online personal brand.

    I would want to first chat with you & learn about your business, your services & your goals to make sure this is the right fit for you.

    But anyone with a personal brand is welcome to apply!

    If you're feeling the call, I invite you to fill out the application & book a free call with me and we can feel it out together. :)

  • No, this program is nonrefundable. That said, if you’re unhappy with your experience for any reason, I’d love to work with you to find a solution. ♥

  • Please send an email with any questions you have to

Still have questions?

Apply for a free 60 minute clarity call with Indigo, where you’ll have space to ask whatever you want - and we’ll envision the future of your business together!

What Clients Are Saying…

  • You have a purposeful mission on your heart and you know you're being called to this work to help cultivate greater healing on Earth.

  • You’re inspired, creative, & passionate about changing people’s lives for the better.

  • You want to step up, build your healing business & start attracting clients, but you have no idea where to begin and it all feels overwhelming.

  • You’re very self-motivated yet you know you can’t see your own blind spots & want help gaining awareness on what’s currently stopping you.

  • The thought of being guided through a proven step-by-step process to start off your business on the right foot feels relieving & supportive.

  • You want to benefit from the power of having a coach who fully believes in you & can help mirror to you your inner strength, power, courage, clarity & self-belief.

  • You understand that building a business requires a lot from you & you're ready to put in the work, trust yourself & have patience with the path unfolding in front of you.

  • You'd love to have unlimited support from a coach who's been in your shoes and can cheer you on, offer perspective, & support you through the vulnerable experience of stepping up & claiming your role as a coach who's open for business.


  • You're looking for a quick fix or someone to save your business for you.

  • You haven't done your own inner healing work that would enable you to hold + serve others with deep love, compassion & integrity.

  • You're only interested in building a healing business for the money and you don't have a heart-led purpose driving you.

  • You're not willing to invest the time, energy, resources & patience it'll take to create your dream business.

  • You want to get paid well for your services, but you don’t want to invest in a high ticket coach for yourself.

    (If this is you, I want to point out that there’s a disconnect here, love. If you don’t value making this level of investment for yourself, you won’t be able to stand behind your own prices. You’ve got to experience the magic of investing in support for yourself, if you want to be able to sell your supportive services with sincerity & heart. ✨)


More Testimonials

Ready to see if we’re a good fit?

Click below to apply & schedule a free call. On our 60 minute video call, I’ll learn more about your brand, your vision & your business goals. We’ll chat it out together to explore whether this program is the right fit for you!


Indigo Marigold

Hey there! I'm Indigo 👋🏼 ✨ Here's a bit of my backstory... 🌈

One day after school as a deeply depressed 17 year old, I followed my intuition to the local bookstore, having no idea what I was looking for - I just knew I needed help & I didn’t know where else to turn.

I stumbled upon the “self-help” section of books, where I went on to discover manifestation & the truth that we have the power to curate our own reality… and it rocked my world. 🤩 It was such a lifeline in the darkness. 💡

But it took me a while to actually learn how to implement & create my life on purpose because I had sooooo much disempowered, traumatic, people-pleasing, perfectionistic & codependent programming to rewire from my childhood.

I went on to obsessively study how to change my life for the next 10 years. At age 25, I set boundaries with lots of people close to me for the first time ever (& received INTENSE pushback), quit my corporate job, changed my name + started an online business - really believing in my power to become my authentic self & manifest this dream!

But I really struggled to make ends meet the first 2 years and felt soooo confused about why things weren't working. I persevered through all the self-doubt, worrying, wondering if I was crazy 🙃 - -

and then I finally got mentorship, learned practical business skills & turned it all around! I started selling high ticket branding + strategy packages & my business was finally supporting my life, my wellbeing & my ability to truly thrive. 

AND it supported me traveling & living van life for 2 years! 🚐🌍

…all while doing meaningful work & making a positive impact in other people’s lives. I finally felt fulfilled & like I was living my purpose. 😍

Now I've pivoted to business coaching full-time & it's my absolute passion to help other self-led, free-spirited entrepreneurs unpack why their vision board isn't working & how to ACTUALLY manifest abundance + impact...

because I've learned that there are so many nuances to manifestation that tend to trip us up - and yet it IS real & we CAN work magic in our lives with the right resources, support + understandings. 🪄

I’m so happy you found me & it would be my honor to support you with manifesting the service-driven, world-changing business of your dreams. ☁️



It’s time to build your dreams.

No more waiting. Life moves fast. You deserve to start now.



I’m deeply committed to your growth & expansion and to providing you with the highest level of service & support throughout this program.

I’ve built in many opportunities throughout the program to provide feedback & speak up if something isn’t meeting your needs or expectations, and I do everything I can to create an environment & coaching relationship where you feel safe to speak up about anything.

Rest assured that I’ll meet your feedback with deep gratitude, listen to you with Love & non-defensiveness, and do everything I possibly can to meet your needs with priority & care.

with love,


humanity needs you thriving

humanity needs you thriving ✿