Hey, I’m Indigo!

I’m happy you found me.

Here you can learn more about me, where I came from & what I stand for.


Here’s a bit about how I got where I am today…

I was a creative, expressive & magical child who grew up in an abusive household where I wasn’t safe to be myself & speak my truth. So I eventually learned to shut down my light & became a doormat… self-medicating with drugs, thinking I was crazy, basing all my life decisions on what I thought would gain me approval, living for everyone but myself, & at times… having very little desire to be here.

At 17, seeking help, I followed my intuition to the local bookstore… which led me to discover the “self-help” section. “Well, that sounds like EXACTLY what I’m looking for,” I thought to myself. This is where I found personal growth & manifestation, became obsessed with the possibility that I could change my life, and began my spiritual studies. But it would be long before that journey turned from perfectionism & escapism to the development of genuine self-love & self-trust.

And so one summer afternoon, at age 24, I found myself collapsed on the floor of my beautiful studio apartment in downtown Austin, TX, feeling like I was in a psychological thriller movie. In one sudden moment, I was overcome with the feeling that “my whole life up until this point has been a lie.”

After years of complete confusion, all my creativity shut down, feeling like I didn’t know who I was anymore, paying for this nice apartment with my fancy shmancy, soul-sucking corporate job while I grew my savings account & 401K… “successful” on paper, but feeling *dead inside*… wondering how I got here…

I was hit with the reality that I’d been a receiver of narcissistic abuse & intense gaslighting my whole life - by many of my authority figures, some of the people I loved the most.

This devastating realization was full of grief… and yet it set me free to be myself. I realized that nothing was wrong with me… I was just being brainwashed my whole life. And now, in one sudden breakthrough to clarity, I was no longer manipulatable. I was no longer a puppet. I was free to be myself.

So I went offfffff - I spoke my truth to my family, I lost nearly everyone, I stood by my side even when it felt like no one believed me & thought I was crazy. I quit my corporate job, cut off all my hair, legally changed my name from Hannah to Indigo, became a self-employed artist, built out a campervan, hit the road & went deep into the woods alone to face myself. It was quiteeee the journey.

I learned how to slowwww dowwwn. I figured out how to bring my creativity back online. I learned how to feel & heal the emotions I had stuffed & numbed my whole life. I learned how to discover my true purpose in this life. I got to know myself & who I really am. I learned to love myself, nourish myself, & BE myself… regardless of who judged me. I learned how to live in a magical reality & encountered endless synchronicities & manifestations along the way! And I saw that eventually… the types of people who DO understand me began to find their way into my life. It was absolutely beautiful. 🥲

Yet, the road didn’t end there.

I spent those first 2 years as an online entrepreneur in hiding - deeply afraid to sell my offers because I didn’t want to seem *greedy* or attract more people who could hurt me. So I was making very little money, fearing for my security, trying to do everything on my own & wondering if I’d ever live up to my true potential... 

Until I finally hit a wall - I was running out of money and realized I needed help. So I put my fears + ego aside and invested in a high-level business coaching program. It felt really scary to take this leap - I didn’t even have that amount of money in my bank account - but I chose to believe in myself. And I ended up signing on my first high-ticket client & making the full investment back only 2 weeks into the coaching program!!

Having a coach helped me feel supported once again, and gave me the safety to show up more fully in my business. Through coaching support, education & my own extensive research, I discovered a way to attract dream clients that feels authentic, heart-led, service-driven AND actually works. It doesn’t rely on getting Insta-famous, *manifestation luck* nor pushy sales tactics, and it applies to you no matter how small your audience is. It simply requires you to show up as yourself.

Within 6 months, I went from making zero money, hiding in my business & feeling completely broke + stuck... to running an online brand design + strategy business full-time, confidently selling $5K-$8K offers through my personal brand, attracting DREAM clients to me with ease, and having the freedom to work from anywhere in the world while I continued to travel as a digital nomad. 

And the best part was: I was getting paid to live my purpose & share my natural gifts with the world!! And I was visibly making a positive impact! I finally discovered that what manifestation & changing your life is REALLY about is not becoming something different… it’s about becoming more of yourself. And taking consistent, real life action to create a life that really matches who you are. 🌍

People noticed what a huge turnaround I’d made in such a short amount of time & began reaching out to me, asking if I’d coach them so that they could get their businesses thriving, too. So I got trained in life coaching + developed my own business program, organizing my unique, heart-led business practices into an extensive educational experience… and I began helping my clients get magical results + finally attract the high-ticket clients they’d always dreamed of, too! 🦋

Now I love to help sweet humans like you find similar relief & become abundantly supported as you serve your life’s mission - so you can build the life of your dreams and make the positive impact you know you’re meant to have on this Earth!

All while getting to be YOU - all of you. You don’t need to show up as anyone other than yourself to build a thriving, purpose-led online business. You get to speak your truth & be your bold self, and use that to become MORE magnetic to the right people who want to work with you. And I’ll show you exactly how. 😍✨

My Core Values

  • I believe in the power of a positive outlook to completely transform our lives & the state of the world for the better - regardless of our current starting point.

  • I see each individual here on Earth as an empowered individual who has unique, beautiful + impactful gifts to share. What’s on each human’s heart is an important puzzle piece that has the power to greatly contribute to harmony here on Earth. We access our personal power + purpose through taking radical responsibility for our actions, words, thoughts, feelings, values & behaviors, along with any discrepancies between those. I believe that authenticity is about owning our beautiful imperfections and taking responsibility for all that we create, and this allows us to consciously create what we desire to contribute during this lifetime.

  • I see the entire human race as a team & understand that there are more than enough resources to go around when we relate to our resources with gratitude & respect. I understand that anything that harms one Being harms the whole, and that it is each individual’s responsibility to make decisions that are best for the entire ecosystem & human family here on Earth.

  • I believe in raw + honest communication & boundaries delivered with Love, as this is what fosters the most genuine + connected relationships where everyone is free to simply be themselves. I am committed to continually showing up this way as your service provider & desire the same from you.

  • I believe it is every buyer’s birthright to be given every single detail that can help them make an informed decision on whether or not a purchasing decision is in line with their values & needs. I am committed to full transparency through openness about all of my internal processes, practices & reasoning behind all business decisions, and I encourage my clients to do the same.

  • I am on a mission to reunite humans with our Selves, one another, and the beautiful land that is hosting us - so that we can return to our natural state of abundant health, both as a species and as an entire ecosystem. I am fully committed to utilizing the most eco-friendly, ethical + regenerative practices available and advising my clients on how to do the same.