5 Manifestation Beliefs That Are Blocking Abundance in Your Business

Troubleshoot your manifestation approach & learn how to build your business in a tangible, proven way - so you can finally create the abundance + positive impact you know you’re meant for in this life. 🌍

You don’t have to wait for something beyond your control to happen. Your success IS within your power - and it’s time to take that back into your hands.⚡️

Tell me if you relate to this…

Ever since you learned about the law of attraction, you became confident that you can do anything you set your mind to.

You've manifested many magical things as a result. 🪄

But when it comes to business, nothing seems to be working. And you find this immensely frustrating. 😖

You see so many other people thriving in their online business and they make it look so easy. It seems like they just make interesting content, grow a big following, share that they have something they're offering...

and BAM 🔥 - people sign up.

You feel like you've observed these successful entrepreneurs long enough that you know what it takes to run a thriving online business.

But do you really know what it takes?
Why is it that what you’re doing isn’t working for you?

This guide can help you finally figure that out.

What Lovely Souls Like You Are Saying:

A little backstory…

It took me YEARS to figure out the information outlined in this guide, and it’s an honor to share it with you. Most of the business coaching programs I went through either leaned too heavily on the metaphysical side of business, or focused solely on practical business strategies - leaving the other side out. Also, the business coaches I learned from were speaking from the perspective of having a huge following on Instagram & a lot of their solutions didn’t apply to me as someone with a small audience.

It wasn’t until I realized that I needed to work with BOTH sides - the energy-based laws of conscious creation AND the practical business skills - and focus on cultivating genuine human connection that everything came together for me in business. I realized that so many successful business owners who were only teaching one side simply didn’t realize how much they were also subconsciously applying the other. They also didn’t realize how much their Insta-famous perspective didn’t apply to small business owners, and they weren’t teaching business practices that helped people actually get started.

SO, I figured out a process that brings everything together into a grounded manifesation process that helps you take your power BACK from the Instagram algorithm and truly harness your powerful energy to create your dreams…

WITHOUT having to post every day, use icky sales tactics, rely on airy fairy magic… or hope you go viral & then feel stuck in a loop of failure if you don’t.

First things first, let’s talk about the 5 manifestation beliefs that create so much confusion for spiritual entrepreneurs - so that you can begin to restructure your approach for business success.

