Your Clear Path to Purpose :

A 6 Step Customizable Roadmap to Launch a Business That Aligns with Your Purpose + Dream Lifestyle

-- even if you have no idea where to start!

* free guide for healing service providers *


You’re SO ready to live your purpose and experience the time, location & creative freedom that comes along with working for yourself.

Yet when it comes to the practical business side of things… you have no idea where to begin and this leaves you feeling overwhelmed + stuck in inaction.

Sometimes, all it takes is a little help with zooming out and seeing the big picture path ahead.

This guide will help you find the confidence to move forward, knowing you WILL succeed - as it demystifies & simplifies the way purpose-driven business really works… and introduces you to an approach that feels magical and FUN!

You’ll discover…

✅ The KEY 🔑 thing to balance when launching your purpose-driven business - that most business coaches won’t tell you 🤫

✅ My customizable 6 step roadmap to set your business up for success from day 1 - using energy, intuition AND practical skills ⚡️

✅ My top tips for setting up your business in a way that thrives on you being YOU and you living your life exactly how you want to - not the other way around (no more shrinking yourself just to keep a job!) 🕊️

If you’re ready to see the clear path towards your success, so you can move forward with clarity & confidence, click below to access it now!

What Lovely Souls Like You Are Saying:

A little backstory…

It took me YEARS to figure out the information outlined in this guide, and it’s an honor to share it with you at the beginning of your journey… so that you can have this clarity from day 1 (and avoid all the pain & confusion that I went through).

While I was building my first business, most of the coaching programs I learned from either leaned too heavily on the metaphysical side of business, or focused ONLY on practical business strategies - leaving the other side out, and therefore missing a core piece of the puzzle that makes business actually work. Also, the business coaches I learned from were speaking from the perspective of having a huge following on Instagram & a lot of their solutions didn’t apply to me as someone who was just getting started.

It wasn’t until I realized that I needed to work with BOTH sides - the practical business foundations AND the laws of manifestation - and focus on cultivating genuine human relationships (instead of chasing a large following) that everything came together for me in business. I realized that so many successful business owners who were only teaching one side simply didn’t realize how much they were also subconsciously applying the other. They also didn’t realize how much their Insta-famous perspective didn’t apply to small business owners, and they were NOT teaching business practices that helped people actually get started.

SO, I created this process that brings together the whole picture for new business owners, so that you can learn the full story of what it takes to create a prosperous service-based business that attracts your dream clients to you with sincerity & ease…

and have the clarity you need in order to get started and move forward with confidence - knowing that you WILL succeed!

